dimanche 1 avril 2007

X ould Y: j'ai tout sacrifié...je me retire!

Je partage avec vous mon chagrin aprés le retirement de x ould y et vous livre deux ecrits sur ce coup dur du 9 mars,journeée nationale de x ould y!

par diaw alassane:

X ould Y tire sa révérence

A la veille des élections présidentielles que d'aucuns qualifient dèjà d'historiques, le plus célèbre blogueur de Mauritanie tire sa révérence (voir son site: http://x-ould-y.blogspot.com).
X ould Y a incarné, à lui seul plus, de deux années durant le cinquième pouvoir. Véritable Don Quichotte des temps modernes, il a informé les citoyens en toute objectivité, parfois avec un excés de zèle, sur le comportement d'une pégre qui ne se souciait que de son intérêt personnel. X Ould Y dérange certes, mais l'homme n'était pas là pour parler "des trains qui arrivent à l'heure", dieu sait qu'ils sont rares pour ne pas dire inexistants dans une République où le vol, le mensonge, l'hypocrisie, l'égoisme, l'injustice sont érigés en vertus. X ould Y était poursuivi, traqué, jeté aux orties pour avoir dénoncé ceux qui orchestraient la banqueroute du pays, ceux qui spoliaient le citoyen ordinaire " aux frais du contribuable" pour reprendre une de ses formules favorites ( X ente vem?). X était abhorré par ceux qu'ils dénonçait, mais il était adulé par la majorité des mauritaniens qui se reconnaissent dans ses écrits. Même ses adversaires venaient régulièrement visiter son blog pour voir s'ils ne sont pas épinglés. Le blog de X ould Y n'était pas là pour concurrencer les médias dans un processus de sublimation de vertus d'ailleurs inexistantes. X ould Y a montré qu'il n'avait de leçon à recevoir de personne. Les quelques journaleux à ses trousses et les prêchi-prêcha qui alimentaient son espace commentaires ne l'ont pas dissuadé de continuer son oeuvre d'utilité publique. Je souhaite que X ould Y se retire définitivement comme il l'a dit, car cela voudra dire qu'il a réussi sa mission. En même temps je lui demande de ne pas trop s'éloigner car les vieilles habitudes ont la vie dure et la mafia est toujours prête à sévir. En tout cas, le départ de X ould Y, même provisoire laisse un grand vide au niveau de la blogosphère mauritanienne.
Diaw Alassane

Et le deuxieme par mom:

X O Y Wrote His Farewell But His Story Has Just Begun: Democracy

"vous venez de lire le dernier blog de x ould y !"
Is it just a frightening nightmare from which I'll wake up tomorrow to read his new blog and heave a sigh of relief? I can't believe that the next time I type the familiar link and click on it I'll see nothing other than souvenirs and memories of days of hopes and aspiration. To me, the blog of X Ould Y was not just a platform of free speech or a wonderful gathering place from the world of Arabian Nights, it was more than that. Everyone of us, Mauritanians rendered anonymous by tyranny and state oppression, felt like we're part of something greater than the prosaic daily struggle to earn a living. Everyone of us felt that he matters for the first time and that what he says is going to be heard. We all felt that there's something somewhere which unites us and brings us together, in spite of all efforts to tear us apart. X ould Y was that something somewhere, nameless and without identity. It was simply the story of Everyman(woman), the Noah ship that saved us all from giving in to the dictates of the status quo and succumbing to despair.

It's strange when I remember (we start speaking of him in these terms) the first time a friend of mine gave me the internet link of "x". His words were something like "you won't regret it, this is different from what we used to read about the country". I copied down the link, saved it and forgot about it. My idea was that my friend was just initiating a conversation and I went along with him out of civility. The next time my friend came to me and asked if I read the new blog and my answer betrayed everything. This time he refused to go away after he made sure we read the post together. From that day and until this farewell blog I've never missed one single story on "X Ould Blog". It was an addiction, I was X.O.Y addict.

I'm not going to dwell on the political role of the bolg since all the visitors have a firsthand experience of what it means to be hosted by "X". Yet it has to be said that x has left us different and more politically aware and engaged than when he first found us three years back. It's his legacy that I want to highlight since the role his blog played is known to all of us. Pioneer as he was, his presence or his shadow ( I'm inclined to think of him as our ZORO or Ould Mseika) will be there in the backdrop of our political life and debates. I can see him already being sited on this or that topic and his memory invoked all the time by all of us in all the walks of our life. It's great that you've entered our lives without warning and choose to make an end to your presence without forenotice, yet you were welcome when you first stepped in and greatly missed when you left, this is characteristic of all legendary characters.

All my life I've sought to find a Mauritanian who can stand up to power regardless of the costs, all my life I've found Mauritanians who stood up to power only when it's no more. You made the exception and that's also legendary. By power I mean the state, the taboos, the conformity , main stream culture and views, all these forces which occlude difference and limit individual freedom. It's not hyperbolic when I say that you are the first Mauritanian to my knowledge who matched words with deeds, and asked us to speak against tyranny after you have taken the lead yourself. Thanks.

This is between us :I don't believe in "Zyaratt el Kubur", but I'll keep visiting the blog as I used to do at the same timing. Something tells me that the others will follow suit, sure.

My final words fall far short of conveying my deep sense of gratitude to the service you've done and I'm sure you'll continue to do in your own way to our country and yours. Honestly we're a nation without symbols, living or dead, who can be witnesses to our achievements as a nation and a people. Our memory has always been short and didn't keep a record of the people who truly served us without expecting anything in return. I hope that this time around we'll succeed to immortalize you somehow. I know that statues won't be accepted but we can still give your name to a magazine, a journal or a wide circulating intellectual edition of some sort.

As for me, you'll be my Ould Mseika forever.

Hope you get married and settle down , it's about time (lol)



a la fin merci x ould y pour tous les efforts faits et tout le temp sacrifié!

4 commentaires:

Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

merci x ould y pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour le pays

1 avril 2007 à 18:08  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

x revient fin avril

2 avril 2007 à 15:28  
Blogger mauritanien REVOLTE a dit...

info ou intox???

en tt cas il sera le bien revenu!!!!

viva mauritania
viva la republica
viva x ould y...y noki!

2 avril 2007 à 16:41  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

x est tjs là mais il publi maintenant sous son nom officiel

4 avril 2007 à 22:13  

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